Auntie Says...

Humboldt Bus Tragedy Anniversary

Two years ago today the bus carrying the Humboldt Broncos hockey team was hit by a transport truck that ran a stop sign. Sixteen people were killed, another thirteen injured, and countless lives forever changed. It was a tragedy that united a nation in mourning and one that is important to remember in hopes of it never happening again.

My heart goes out to the families and friends unable to gather at this time of isolation and uncertainty. Togetherness is where we often find our strength and courage to grieve openly. It comes through having shared experiences and acknowledgment of another’s pain and loss that matches one’s own. 

Here we are two years later and the world is upside down again–experiencing tragedy and loss that doesn’t seem fair or just.

Do your best to remember that many are grieving alone–whether it’s the Humboldt tragedy or the loss of a loved one or neighbor to Covid-19.

Virtual hugs to you all.

Stay strong. Stay healthy.

My deepest and heart felt condolences to anyone suffering any loss. xoxo

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