Auntie Says..., Faye Arcand

What Do You See When You Look in the Mirror?

Hello readers. Sometimes it’s funny how things happen. As I sat down to write this post it had nothing to do with what it turned out to be. It was like my pen was taken over and this fell out… So, I guess the only question to ask is… What Do You See When You Look in the Mirror? Thank you for reading.

I'm curious. 
Do you know who your are? Right down to the marrow of your bones, know? 
When you look in the mirror, what do you see? 
Are there hidden flaws we're not privy to? Do they shriek and tear at you? 
Whispered untruths gnawing at worthiness, grace, and character
Who do you see? A parent? Teacher? Best Friend? Lover? Eyes. Glaring impatience?
Their words loud and reverberating in your head. Exorcised but not gone
The demons lurk unseen by others oft n'er go far as you give them stay
Are they  yours to claim? An unwanted legacy? They glom close for a reason
You need not break an entire chain as a single link breached will initiate freedom
There is strength and power within you to allow laser focus past the negative to the joy
The delicate velvet petal of a spring flower Sunlight glistening as it tittles atop the lake
The innocence of a puppy who without knowing you--already loves you
A gaping toothless grin of a child, a steamy hot bath, the smell of cinnamon toast 
What do you see when you look in the mirror?
Can you see past your perceived obvious to your natural spectacular that resides there
Loosen that link and the weights will fall by the wayside
Because you are worthy There is no question


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