My Twisted Writer Brain…

Checking in With All My Creative Friends–Is That Story Still Brewing in Your Brain? I hope you Find the Will to Write it, and the Tenacity to Finish it. You’re a Writer not an Imposter.

It’s funny how time gets away on me. Sometimes the days are so long they never seem to end, and yet the week or month is BOOM gone.

Writing, blogging, and any type of creativity is so often an isolating experience. We not only go to our private space to create but then we go within creative selves. I need to remind myself every once in a while to check in with others.

So, that’s what I’m doing today. How the heck are you? Are you still writing? Still creating?

This has been a rather complicated couple of years, hasn’t it?

Is that story or painting or poem or sculpture done yet? There’s still time to begin. I believe in you.

Don’t let yourself doubt your own creativity. The world wants, and needs, to experience it. I know I have to remind myself of that every single day.

I’ve been doing this blog for a few years and most of you I don’t know. Is there a “you”? I don’t really know that either. I’ve connected with several people but not as many as I’d like. I don’t know whether I’m taken seriously, ignored, or anything really.

And you know what? I have to be okay with that. Yup, I sure do. I don’t have a choice. I can only control what my brain thinks and knows and I KNOW I’m a writer. It is what I am meant to do and damn it, I will continue.

The same is true for you too. Dig deep for that strength to start, continue, and finish. You’ll be glad you did.

Here’s a little gift for all my readers, fellow bloggers, and every creative out there. Don’t give up. Own it.

This is a picture I took at a local park. It has such a powerful message in its simplicity.

Have a great day…from My Twisted Writer Brain to yours…

Thank you for reading my post. I hope you enjoyed it. Please feel free to like, share, comment, and follow. Enjoy your day.

8 thoughts on “Checking in With All My Creative Friends–Is That Story Still Brewing in Your Brain? I hope you Find the Will to Write it, and the Tenacity to Finish it. You’re a Writer not an Imposter.”

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