My Twisted Writer Brain…

For Writers’ Theres Always one Burning Question…

I came upon a beginning… Beautifully scrolled writing… It called to me… Thank you rainydayinmay for the inspiration.

The burning question… Why do you write?

Today, I was inspired by this question to write a poem. I’d love to hear though, why YOU write. Tell me what keeps you going. In the comments: I write because… Let me know.

I Write Because...

if I didn't
i'd be lost in the quagmire that is my mind
claws heaved upon the breast as the gurgle 
of spirit buried amongst brilliant mediocracy 
surges valliantly past the saturation of fear 

i write because 
within remote unexplored hollows of my mind 
there lurks rare grandeur in shadows. idle. until
they inspire. ignite. share. teach. discover the
obscure as a reckoning of normalcy flickers

i write because...
a gift is not one to take lightly once accepted 
the generous giver of said gift waits for the lilt.
the song. the slant. the untold story from within 
a gift gives back to allow growth. reward. gratitude. 

i write because...
my muse needs an escape from the mundane
that is the world. to write is to feed mother earth
it does not pillage the oceans. strip the land. 
or toxify the air. it waits patiently for a willing guest

i write because...
the freedom allowed me also avows my person.
my rights. that i may face souls' mysteries on the page
without reprisal. doubt. or storm. no one need 
read the power the pen invokes to kill. maim. love. 

i write because...
it is powerful... which make me power-full 
it is cleansing... which wrings out the soul
i write because i have much to say. share. be.
as there in my writers' mind is an untold tale 

faye e arcand 


Why do you write?

I hope you enjoyed my post today. Please feel free to like, comment, share, and follow.

16 thoughts on “For Writers’ Theres Always one Burning Question…”

      1. Hey Molly. YES!! The idea of not having the freedom to write makes me wonder how I would live then… I totally ‘get’ you!! Thx for stopping by. xo

    1. Hi Erin. Thank you so much for the kind words. You hit it right on the nose. thoughts/feelings/ideas…they’re muddled little dudes aren’t they? lol…until we get a hold of them!! Thanks for commenting Erin. I really appreciate it. xo

  1. I write because it is a conversation with myself. It leads me to discoveries. It may or may not benefit anyone else. I write because I live alone. I write because I believe we all have such different lives. I write because I think every mind, is different. I write because I find rhythms in words. And every once in a while I find a gem or a gold nugget and i like to write about it. I write because I have lived, and read many stories. Now I write mine.

    1. Hi Marianna. This is so well said and also very poignant. Thank you so much for sharing, not only here but on the page where you find stories. Thanks for stopping by. xo

    1. Omg. That is so true isn’t it? A lot of people don’t give a rat’s ass when you’re standing there talking but the written word has a different feel and power. I’m glad you found that power and a voice in order to be heard….xo

  2. Lately, I’ve been wondering why I write. Or perhaps, more to the point, why I’ve not been writing much. Dreaming of writing in different directions but not knowing how to change tracks or where to go. Wanting, maybe, to write for me (since most of my writing for a long time has been for helping others). Would writing simply for my own joy be selfish? Hmmm….

    1. Oh this is so interesting Norma. You do so much writing for everyone else–whether it’s thru editing or through the sharing of valuable information… when is it your turn? Have you thought about splitting your writing into two entities…business and personal? From there you can make a very distinct choice. Hopefully we’ll be able to rejoin each other and do some write-ins and get that other muse moving.

  3. I write because when I have ideas, creative ideas, I have to get them out, put them together like art or an art piece to see how they’ll flow.
    Other times I write to get my feelings out. So the pain, hurt, and sadness won’t stay part of me, because I’ve let it go with every sentence I write.

    1. Hi Kristina. This is wonderful. I’m so glad you’re able to use writing as a way to just let it all go. Sometimes things fall onto the paper for me that I didn’t even realize were a source of angst–I’ll look at it and think….ohhhhh….I get it. Does that ever happen to you?
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. It is so appreciated.

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