Auntie Says...

A Chat With Auntie About Perfection, Goal Setting, and The Need To Rethink it All! Don’t Let it All Backfire On You

Hi! Welcome back, and for those who’re visiting for the first time–it’s nice to meet you.

Earlier this week, I talked about switching things up for my Auntie Says… blog and this has definitely done it for me. Posting a video of myself is probably the largest step I’ve taken outside of my blogging comfort zone, but it had to happen.

The idea or perfectionism keeps coming up in my mind lately and it just dawned on me that it’s something that simply doesn’t exist. Like, duh! Was I the only one walking around not knowing that? No, I’m very well aware how the idea of perfectionism or that drive to be perfect, really affects people of all ages.

Doing the video (heck even seeing what it stopped on here in blog–you know it’s like when you pause Netflix and the speaker always resembles some sort of dork caught between floors–lol) is my way of trying to let y’all get to know me better. What I write, is my own. It comes from my loopy, crowded brain, but it also comes from my heart. Have a look at the video… please let me know what you think. Do you agree? disagree? What?

And don’t forget to take the poll. I like to know where people’s heads are at!

And Don’t Forget to Take The Poll

Auntie Lesson: You really are enough. Just be you and the rest will take care of itself.

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9 thoughts on “A Chat With Auntie About Perfection, Goal Setting, and The Need To Rethink it All! Don’t Let it All Backfire On You”

  1. There are somethings I have learned to let go of – like being a perfect mom or a perfect partner. Just not doable. I’m still stuck on some of the smaller things. Like having a perfect Thanksgiving celebration with smiling faces and just the right dessert. Lol. Also not possible! I am leaning towards “Good enough” as much as I can and forgiving myself for the rest.

    1. Hey Michele. Small steps sometimes. We really need to be gentle with ourselves. I understand the notion of “Good enough”… but we have to be careful not to slip into the omg it’s never good enough. We’re so hard on ourselves. So glad that you’re coming to a point of letting it go because the thing is that so often these expectations are self imposed and leave us empty. Stay strong. You got this. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting. So appreciated. xo

  2. Haha!. There were actually two of us walking around for many years thinking perfection was an actual thing. In the last few years, I learned how foolish I was. I am in recovery from equating perfection and excellence!

    1. See! I knew I wasn’t alone. It’s funny how we always think we’re the only ones. So glad you left it all behind in the pursue of excellence–smart. At least “excellence” you can define and measure. Thanks for reading! xo

  3. Perfectionism! ARRRRRRG. It’s been the bane of my existence. My (mentally ill) mother is a perfectionist and crap did she do a number on me. She really thinks she’s pretty perfect (well she didn’t make me perfectly). She actually screwed me up pretty badly. I’ve been trying to “let it go” for years.
    I love, LOVE, the quilter’s saying “Done is better than perfect”. How many of us have unfinished projects just laying around waiting for us to be in the RIGHT mindset to work on it so it will be perfect. I do. I ended up with a very large pile of stuff to be finished. And now that pile of stuff is called my “Gett’er Done” pile. Because – Done is BETTER than perfect.

    1. Hi Valerie. Thanks so much for stopping by. I’m sorry you had to go through all of that crap with your mom. That’s tough stuff. I love your resiliency and the determination to “get ‘er done”! I love that. I too have many projects that currently sit waiting for the fairy dust of perfection to wash over them. I seriously wonder how many stories/creations are out there unfinished because of this “perfectionism” disease. Always remember that it’s a fantasy! There is NO perfect. None… Now you’ve inspired me to go get ‘er done. Thank you so much for commenting. Don’t be a stranger. xo

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