Auntie Says...

Do You Know the Silent Signal of How To Call For Help or Signal Violence at Home? Know How to do it And Recognize it. It Could Save a Life.

There are times in life when secret codes come in very handy and into today’s post we’ll see how it can also save a life.

During the pandemic, nothing has been normal. Schools closed, jobs lost, shelter in place, and debilitating isolation. The anxiety, stress, and sudden lack of freedoms took it’s toll on both the physical and mental health and well-being of people all over the world. To read more see The Facts:Women and Pandemics

One of the scary things that happened though was the rise in domestic and gender based violence. Statistics indicate more deaths and violence in the home occur during times of disaster and in times of unknown stressors like that of the pandemic.

The Canadian Women’s Foundation saw the need for some communication tool and developed the one hand, tuck in the thumb, then trap your thumb by your remaining fingers.

No words. No others gestures needed. Just one hand.

From the Canadian Women’s Foundation

A Lesson Seen and Learned

A couple weeks ago a 16 year old girl was kidnapped in North Carolina. She had seen a Tik-Tok video on how to signal for help when you’re in a situation where you can’t verbally communicate for fear of violence.

A life was saved by a signal. Watch THIS NEWS video and learn more.

It seems so innocent, but this young girl and the person who recognized the call the help, have proven–with the best possible results–that social media and an agencies message does connect with the public.

This was a technique first developed by a Canadian women’s group to assist persons of domestic violence particularly during the lock down situations of the pandemic.

It is not just for women. Men can also be the victim of gender based violence.

Teach your son. Teach your daughter.

If You See the Signal:

  • If you see someone use the Signal for Help, check in with the person safely to find out what they need and want you to do.
  • They may want to tell you what is happening. They may ask you to listen and be there for them. They may ask for help finding services.
  • If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call 911 or your local emergency services (police, fire, ambulance).
  • Be alert and if you ever see this signal used in a public space call authorities. Don’t try and intervene yourself.

Source: Canadian Women’s Foundation

Auntie Lesson:

There’s a few things here to consider. First learn the signal and teach your kids. I’d also like to commend the young lady who was kidnapped for such quick thinking. The fact that she learned it on a social media platform is amazing.

There’s a lot happening out there and we have no idea what happens behind those closed doors. Look out for your neighbour, you friends, and colleagues. If you see the signal, see the recommendations above from the Canadian Women’s Foundation.

A HUGE thank you to that young women who used the signal to save her life. She has brought the tool to the forefront to begin conversations and learning.

Please be safe.

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