Auntie Says..., My Twisted Writer Brain…

WWW Wednesday #26 We Go From Ice, To Melt, To Wildfires. Extremes Are Now the Norm.

This is neither whimsical, weird, or wonderful but it’s something that makes me wonder. With the extremes we’re now experiencing, you can’t help but sit up and take notice.

All the following pictures were taken by me and show the reality of our extremes.

The three top pictures were taken in August 2020 and show the Thomas Creek Wildfire. I was evacuated during that fire and spent over a week with family.

I live in the northern most dessert in the world and believe me the summers are hot and dry. I know people don’t expect that in Canada but it’s a reality.

Over the last 5-10 years, our area in Okanagan Valley of British Columbia, has suffered through major fires. Homes and lives have been lost. We’re often swamped in thick smoke and dependent on the wind direction for relief. It’s terrible.

Here’s the other extreme.

Winter. These pictures are all taken close to my home and demonstrate the excessive water, ice, and snow. Where does all that water go? Much is absorbed into the earth or evaporates over time, but I wish there was a way we could marry the two seasons.

Just my brain working overtime perhaps but it sure would be nice not to be in draught situation every single years.

Have you made any changes in your lifestyle as a result?

Thanks so much for visiting. Happy Wednesday.

What do you think of the changes in the climate? Leave a comment now.

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4 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday #26 We Go From Ice, To Melt, To Wildfires. Extremes Are Now the Norm.”

  1. At about age thirty-five I realized: Change is Constant.. we need to learn that and act accordingly. Yes, Change is the Constant in all our lives.

    1. Hi Marianna. I agree. That, after all is what life’s about, right? Change. It’s the speed of said changes that are mind boggling to me…especially with the weather. So many more extremes in the last twenty years that weren’t there before… sigh… 🤔

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