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Your Help Is Hereby Requested–Just One Simple Question. Can you Help? What Makes You Buy a Book?

It’s a rather simple “looking” question but it’s also very complex and confusing.

To me, books are an investment. They’re part of my entertainment and escape to different worlds, characters, and situations.

Sometimes, I’ll wander through the book store and nothing appeals to me. I make excuses at every turn. It’s too big, it looks heavy, the print is too small, blah blah blah….

Other days I have to stop myself from buying everything in site. Dangerous.

So, what makes YOU buy a book?

Do you simply buy the authors you know?

Is it the color of the book jacket? The picture? The font?

Word of mouth?

What? What makes you slap down the money and actually make that book purchase?

I have a tendency to buy authors I either know or who’ve been recommended by others. If you have a recommendation, leave it in the comments–but I still want to know why you’d recommend them.

Make sense?

Please leave an answer below because this could help not only me but many writers too.

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