
Whether you’re looking for sage advice from Auntie Says… or a how-to-write article from My Twisted Writer Brain, you’re in the right place.

This site has TWO dedicated blogs that reflect different parts of who I am as a person and writer.

Auntie Says..

The first, is a blog for people from all walks of life, all ages, and demographics. Auntie Says… deals with common sense, observation, opinion, and advice. It’s the kind of stuff you ask your Auntie because mom’s too busy or because Auntie will give you a straight answer. Readers often tell me they forward Auntie Says… articles to their kid at college as a reminder to toe the line.

Auntie Says… was born of the fact that I have over fifty nieces and nephews–many of whom have (and still do) come seeking advice, a trusted confidant, or a shoulder to cry on. It also became a column of the same name published by Black Press.

For me, it’s all about starting the conversation with young people. I try and tell it like it is and provide sound guidance and advice or a knock upside the head if required. I’m not a therapist, I’m an Auntie.

We all know that if you can’t ask your mom you can always ask Auntie. Sorry, no sugar-coating allowed.

I invite you all to get to know Auntie Says… and remind yourself you’re not alone in this world if you have an Auntie.

My Twisted Writer Brain

This blog came along as a catalyst to share all things writing. Whether it be a discussion about show don’t tell, the publishing world, or the stories of other authors, I want to talk about it.

I love, love, love the world of writing.

There’s so much banging around in my head that can help other writers, I simply must share. I teach workshops, lead writing groups, and have secured an agent for my novels.

It’s true that My Twisted Writer Brain is constantly moving, morphing, and creating. It never stops. My brain takes in information from unseen sources–some may say it’s the universe or perhaps the Muse–and turns it into stories, characters, quirks, plots, blogs, and everything else you can imagine.

It’s exhausting and even frustrating at times but it’s exhilarating and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I invite writers and creatives of all ages and levels to come learn and grow in your craft through My Twisted Writer Brain.

There’s always something to learn or someone to learn from and that’s what makes the writing world so exciting.

Follow my writing journey, advice, and lessons through My Twisted Writer Brain and make sure you check out the advice or observations in Auntie Says… I always try to keep everything down to earth and real because that’s who I am.

All thoughts, opinions, and subsequents writings, unless otherwise tagged, are my own.

Remember to subscribe below so you don’t miss any of my common-sense advice.

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