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Stay Strong and Push Through to Success

There comes a time when you really need to buckle down and get the job done.

In these days of isolation and quarantine, I’ve had my struggles with finding the drive to get anything accomplished, but I pushed through.

First, I had to deal with this guilt I felt over having so much time on my hands and yet accomplishing nothing of any substance.

I needed to embrace the writer within me and let the words out. The story was already lodged in my psyche so it’s just a matter of sitting down to work. No one would (or could) do it for me and I REALLY didn’t want to look back in a few months and have regrets that I missed an opportunity to write when I had no other demands on my time.

So, everyday on Instagram (Instagram: follow me @FayedotArcand) I post a picture of my word count every day–even if it’s only 100 words. It all moves you forward, right? Any count that moves you forward is a good thing. You need not commit to 5k a day… Do 1000, or 500, or 250. But the key is if you commit–then DO it.

About a week in, my friend Lorna messaged me and asked me what the numbers meant. She was excited and jumped on the wagon with me and now she is my Accountability-Buddy. We have a daily check-in and encourage each other to keep going. I’ve also received so much support from Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook followers.

You may not realize how empowering those likes or comments are! It’s amazing to see so many people cheering for me. It spurs me forward and I need to say a huge thank you to all.

I will tell you that a first draft of a manuscript looks nothing like the finished product after several rewrites. Never think your first draft is the end product…oh, that could be ugly. 

Right now my manuscript looks like a messy plate of spaghetti with watery sauce, no cheese or garlic toast. The oregano, vegetables, and shrimp are lacking too. But that’s okay. I know this is the bones of the story and I need to get it down in hard copy so I can then go back and stir it slowly as I add spice, aroma, and depth.

Today is April 18, 2020 and my word count for my novel is at 47,571 which is an average of 2642 word per day. By the end of April, I’ll have a completed first draft (aiming for 75k) which will then need to marinate and eventually be torn apart and rewritten two, or more, times. If you don’t write the first draft, you have nothing to edit. 

Many people say they will write a book, but my question is, if not now, when?

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