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Tips From Bestselling Author Jonas Saul: Part 1

One of my friends and mentors within the writing community is Jonas Saul. I want to share his unique and inspiring story with all writers. His book THE HUNT was just released.

You see, it wasn’t easy for Jonas to break into the literary world. I know many of you can relate to that and that is why his story is so inspiring.

His dream to be traditionally published met with a brick wall at every juncture. He tried for years to get an agent to represent him—he’d sent out countless query letters and attended conferences to pitch to agents, but the elusive contract never materialized. 

He struggled for years as he waded through the constant rejection and finally decided in 2011 to self publish. Once the decision was made, he never looked back. 

Jonas developed a memorable character, built a series around her, and the Sarah Roberts series was born. As the series progressed the readership increased to such a point where he, at times, outranked Stephen King and Dean Koontz on the Amazon charts. The rest is history as they say.

He’s now written over thirty books, countless short stories (many of which won awards), and he’s sold almost three million books. 

In 2016, he got a call from Hollywood…someone had seen his books.

Wow. What can I say? I watched my friend and fellow writer take that monumental step as he flew to Los Angeles, California to embrace his future. He signed on with Gandolfo Helin and Fountain Literary and Dramatic Agency. His newly acquired agent was none other than Italia Gandolfo. The Immortal Gene published with Vesuvian Media Group His books are now being traditionally published and film deals have been discussed. 

I am so proud to call him my friend and colleague. 

This is a picture of the two of us taken in 2019.
He’s now living in retreat in Greece.

I asked Jonas to share his advice to writers who are just starting? Can you provide three tips to keep the writer focused on moving forward and not tumbling down that proverbial rabbit hole of self-doubt?

One of the best pieces of advice I ever received was at a writer’s conference. An acquisitions editor, Lisa Mangum told new writers to stop writing. “Don’t write anymore,” she said. “Just don’t. It’s over. Go back to your lives without writing. There’s no need to keep writing. Stop.”Then she waited. The room was silent. Moments later, she said, “For those of you who could never stop, those few who need to write, then continue. Only write if you have to. If it’s in your soul, you feel like a lover, someone visiting a dear friend when at the keyboard, someone who even romanticizes it. Only write if it’s your life blood. Then open a vein and bleed on the page, as Clive Barker once said.”I believe she was right. This business only thrives with the top five percent of all authors. To ever imagine being there, this has to be in your blood, in your bones, in your soul.

Jonas Saul Writing Tips: 

Thank You Jonas. Make sure you subscribe and don’t miss PART two of Introducing Bestselling Author Jonas Saul.

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