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A Simple and Valuable Reminder to Not Take Life so Seriously

Life is often so stressful and I’m constantly on the go, I had to remind myself to slow down and not take it all so seriously because everything is temporary–including life itself.

If we can keep that in mind–the transitory nature of life and all we do. Try and keep your awareness at the forefront that all situations you find yourself in won’t last forever or will in the least lessen/grow or morph.

Live your life today as though tomorrow is going to come because you need to be responsible and practical but also allow yourself the joy of the day. Don’t think you’re going to save it all for “one day”…who knows if you’ll ever see that day. It’s okay to laugh and be silly. It saves my life everyday.

There was a book out many years ago called Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff and It’s all Small Stuff.

This book contains straight forward and no-nonsense advice to keep you grounded as it teaches you how to live and deal with stress. The common sense advice like “do one thing at a time” or “remember that your in-box will still be full when you die” are smart but for me I just need to kick back.

And for me, kicking back means putting up my hair and not caring too much about what it looks like. Sometimes it feels good to have a silly, floppy pony tail on the top of my head. Why not? It’s not hurting anyone. Right?

oh oh…don’t look now but my hair is Way UP UP UP!

Sometimes I like to escape with friends and play radio guest. Actually this was a really fun moment when I was a guest on Aggie’s Authors radio show. It was fun. Serious, but not so much that we didn’t laugh and have a good time. Life if meant to be lived. Right?

And then of course there’s Halloween. I never take myself too seriously on Halloween–I mean how boring would that be? Right?

One of my good friends was born on October 31 and her house is always an array of great decor, costume, and superb candy and treats. This picture of me as a zombie was taken probably two years ago. It was so much fun getting all dolled up for a party. I got to walk and mumble like a zombie too–was a great evening of advanced communications. lol.

So, I’m curious. Are you wearing a mask in these Covid-19 pandemic days. I’ll tell you that if I go into a store I wear one. I really don’t care what others think.

It’s about being respectful to the other customers and the front line staff in the store. If I’m walking outside then I don’t normally wear one but I always have one with me if I need it.

I think I look rather lovely–don’t you think?

This is pre-covid fun February 2020 when I travelled to New Orleans for a half marathon. The day was beautiful, the people fantastic, and the city so special. Who would have guessed that less than one month later we’d be on a lock down. Life has a way of making things happen whether you’re ready or not…and thats really why you shouldn’t take everything so seriously. It’ll drive you crazy.

Don’t try to be perfect. You’ll always disappoint yourself and never measure up. That’s a tough standard to achieve.

Accept who you are and be able to relax to the point where you’re comfortable in your own skin.

You need to live life and enjoy your own company. There’s no do-overs.

You get one shot and then you’re done.

So how are you going to make the most of it.

Go for a walk….

Go drive a go cart wearing a Pikachu costume…

Maybe a ride in a barrel? Perhaps a stroll in an outdoor market or a sword fight?

And, one of my personal favorites…an afternoon spent at the book store.

And always remember Elbert Hubbard’s famous words….

Love yourself.

Enjoy your day.

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