Auntie Says..., My Twisted Writer Brain…

Whimsical, Wacky, Wonderful Wednesday #12… Dancing Clouds Within the Sky So Blue Are a Poet’s Dream

Do you still take the time to lay on the ground and study the clouds? They never disappoint. I remember doing it a lot with my sister when we were kids. This sky brought back beautiful memories of those times.

On this day, the clouds had a momentum of movements and formations. So whimsical and wonderful all at the same time.

An October 2021 sky. Pic taken by Faye E. Arcand

Thank you for stopping by to see this beautiful natural inspiration. If you enjoyed it, please like and comment. Feel free to also share and follow.

6 thoughts on “Whimsical, Wacky, Wonderful Wednesday #12… Dancing Clouds Within the Sky So Blue Are a Poet’s Dream”

  1. Nice picture, Faye. One of my favorite pastimes is to take photos of clouds. I have so many now. I even have one of the pretornado clouds that look like a cluster of cotton balls. So cool. Yes. I see things in the clouds. Faces, animals.

  2. Someone should write a song, an ode to clouds above… “Just rolling in, Just rolling in”
    that is what came to mind when I looked at your photo. Thanks for that.

  3. I check out the clouds all the time, but not from lying on the ground. I think that will be my tomorrow plan!

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